Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Oh Finals week... where is your sting?

oh ... wait, i feel it now.

I love when huge projects that can determine your grade are due. Especially when there are 4 of them to turn in... all in 3 days. Huzzah for stress!

Anyway, I'm quite happy that my teacher page is now fully functional... after stressing and some fooling around with the site. It may not look the prettiest, but I find it to be quite functional, and that's all that matters to me. =)

I'll end with my normal thing now... I hope it *snows*

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Crunch Week!!!

:: sigh ::

if digital portfolios are the new wave... i think im riding a bogey board. Frustration anyone?!?! This is what i get for attempting to bean individual and go the techie route.

On a lighter note, seeing all the work I've done over the semester culminate into a project that is actually going to matter in my professional life is actually very satisfying. (almost as satisfying as seeing the snow outside) I'm hoping that the quality of the projects, not to mention the content, is up to par with what schools are looking for in a teacher.

i can always fall back on opening my own coffee shop though....

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Oddly enough... I'm actually looking forward to an assignment (for the first time in my life). I can't wait to put my digital portfolio together. I think it's because this is the first time that activities in class are going to actually affect my ability to get a job. (like I'll have a problem finding a job teaching Latin...) Anywho, learning HTML (kind of) was definitely a big help, editing the website will give me a definite advantage if all I have is basic webspace at whatever job i land.

randomly - how many ninjas does it take to change a lightbulb? None, they're the ones unscrewing all the lightbulbs in the first place.

I digress - the jeopardy game in class on Friday was excellent (here comes the shameless sucking up) and i could definitely set it up and use it in my unit plan. It's all jsut hyperlinking everything.

happy snowy sunday!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Unit Plans....

Amazingly enough, life does imitate art.

I never thought I would be guilty of essentially copying ideas from other teachers, and then adapting them to my own classroom. Hooray for Free Use! The unfortunate part of creating a unit plan, is that apparently, this is the only time in my life where i will have to create one from scratch. I understand getting us ready... but this is a bit ridiculous.

on a lighter note: so much of what i've learned over the semester is being implemented in this unit, and on all sorts of other projects and papers this semester. pretty cool...

TGIF mate....

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving Break

Yay for Thanksgiving! The holiday that should have been celebrated about one month ago, and was pushed back to allow a longer Christmas shopping season! huzzah!

i'm not cynical i swear.

I'm just bitter, I spent my break doing homework. While I did find an awesome webquest for the Trojan War (shameless plug that I'm still an on-task student) I felt as if I spent more time in front of the computer than with my family. and what kind of break is that?

although, i do enjoy using webquests. if a student is absent from class, it is definitely feasible for that student to be caught up on the assignment, because the website is accessible from any computer. sheer brilliance i tell you.

uh-oh, the over-tired fairy has been beating me over the head a bit too much....

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Public Service Announcement

well... kind of. so apparently too much caffeine is dangerous to your health. oops. i guess that's why i'm going to be a teacher and not a doctor.

anyway, windows media player is fun, but not that fun. (cut to my entire project suddenly going missing in a matter of 1 day) although the editing and transitions make it look awfully professional...

randomly - i find it hilarious that IQWeb functions perfectly for the junior's registration, and then the registrar's system completely shuts down after the 1st person this morning. Oh well, at least everyone enjoyed the hot cocoa and snacks we delivered. =)

Sunday, November 11, 2007


There's nothing like a relaxing weekend after the most hectic week of the semester to remind you to get back to work. I've never felt so guilty about relaxing and having fun before. Oh well. Notice how I'm blogging, rather than say, watching a movie, or reading a book. But here's that Protestant work ethic, or maybe just the drive of an over-achiever.

Focusing - smart boards are awesome things. incredibly interactive in the classroom, and (i think) easier to set up and use than a power point presentation. only one little problem. not everyone owns a smartboard. which needs to change. the days of lecture are almost over.

Monday, October 22, 2007

well-behaved women rarely make history - laurel thatcher ulrich

Between creating a website, making a unit plan, a tiered lesson plan and all the other assignments I can understand what a first year teacher goes through. It's a bit intimidating to see all that has to happen to have a good classroom, but I think I can handle it.

On a lighter note, creating a website is much easier than I thought. I figured learning some of the basics of HTML would help me later in life.

Finally - I'm calling it now, Flyer's are in the you-know-whats in april (it's bad luck to say it before it happens)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

no reservations

So far in Tech. I have learned so much about new ways to bring old technology back into the classroom. I remember using excel for science fair charts and graphs... but not much else.

Creating sample products from publisher and word was interesting as well. I don't have much patience when creating newsletters and formating exams. When creating quizzes for middles schoolers during my community study I would get so frustrated with designing multiple choice and short answer questions, and now it really is just that much easier.

Is it possible to feel more like a technology native than before?

Friday, September 28, 2007

software projects

In the past week, I created 4 different materials that I could use somewhere in my classroom. A newsletter, a flyer, a quiz and a concept map. It was exciting to know that I am able to create materials that I believe are presentable for a class as well as the parents of my students. This class really is boosting my confidence with running a classroom.

randomly - my brothers spoofs have been posted - and they rock. yay little brothers! It truly is amazing to see what a student who has been raised with computers can do. He's only 4 years younger than me but he has so much more experience with the programs.... no I'm not jealous...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

update 2.0


I'm aware that it's immature. but everyone needs a little something to brighten their day.

plus, i like llamas.

On to the seriousness!
Working with Microsoft Publisher and Inspiration *almost* make me want to transfer into El. education. almost. In reality though, the programs that are available will make study guides and even hand-outs so much easier and student-friendly. I can even keep wishing and hope that the school district I get hired in decides to invest in projectors and smartboards. I'm extremely excited to get up in front of a class and be able to use all this technology to reach the students exactly where they are. How funny is it that I used to think writing on the blackboard was the highlight of the day?

time for capture the flag.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Tech world

In the Mac lab this week.... now I'm not much of an Apple fan (steve jobs is a bitter, jealous man) but I really enjoy the dual operating system. It combines the new ideas of the Mac and the familiarity of Windows. I'm not going over to the apple side... but i can't help not hating steve jobs so much.

On a more serious note - this tech class is actually quite interesting. It's not just writing on smartboards and learning to use excel. I'm already feeling a bit more capable to stand up in front of a class and be able to communicate in a way they understand. Plus, sitting on a computer for an hour is much better than listening to a lecture!

The Romans saw technology as an advantage, they used it to triumph over their enemies and to improve their own lives. Random inventions that seemed so backwards at the time ended up revolutionizing our world. (eg: the arch, concrete, paved roads) To echo the Romans, computers were irrelevant and cumbersome 25 years ago, and absolutely indispensable now.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Blog fecitur.

the blog has been created.

welcome to the place where Ancient Rome meets modern technology