Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Oh Finals week... where is your sting?

oh ... wait, i feel it now.

I love when huge projects that can determine your grade are due. Especially when there are 4 of them to turn in... all in 3 days. Huzzah for stress!

Anyway, I'm quite happy that my teacher page is now fully functional... after stressing and some fooling around with the site. It may not look the prettiest, but I find it to be quite functional, and that's all that matters to me. =)

I'll end with my normal thing now... I hope it *snows*

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Crunch Week!!!

:: sigh ::

if digital portfolios are the new wave... i think im riding a bogey board. Frustration anyone?!?! This is what i get for attempting to bean individual and go the techie route.

On a lighter note, seeing all the work I've done over the semester culminate into a project that is actually going to matter in my professional life is actually very satisfying. (almost as satisfying as seeing the snow outside) I'm hoping that the quality of the projects, not to mention the content, is up to par with what schools are looking for in a teacher.

i can always fall back on opening my own coffee shop though....

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Oddly enough... I'm actually looking forward to an assignment (for the first time in my life). I can't wait to put my digital portfolio together. I think it's because this is the first time that activities in class are going to actually affect my ability to get a job. (like I'll have a problem finding a job teaching Latin...) Anywho, learning HTML (kind of) was definitely a big help, editing the website will give me a definite advantage if all I have is basic webspace at whatever job i land.

randomly - how many ninjas does it take to change a lightbulb? None, they're the ones unscrewing all the lightbulbs in the first place.

I digress - the jeopardy game in class on Friday was excellent (here comes the shameless sucking up) and i could definitely set it up and use it in my unit plan. It's all jsut hyperlinking everything.

happy snowy sunday!